Monday, June 7, 2010

June 6, 2010
6:30 in the morning and artist friend, les Lefevre and myself are off to check out the country north of Dubois. it continues to be rainey and quite cool and this morning is no exception with rain lightly falling. Within three miles of town we are spotting elk scattered about in the hills above the muddy road. By the time we reach the forest boundry we have seen many elk and deer all looking pretty shaggy with their winter coats slowly shedding and needing warm weather and good food. they are all pretty thin looking such as this Buck Mule Deer with his emerging velvet covered antlers.


  1. Lovely interested in who's back there taking the picture!

  2. Nice to have you onboard.I paint and sketch some, but use my photos and writing more to deplict my area when it was a wilderness.All my stories are from interviews of families I have followed.Have been up by you just 2 years after the fire in Yellowstone.
