June 9, 2010
We again find a wonderful spot along the Gibbon River for a picnic lunch where the weather catches us turning much coller and rain showers falling. The temperature dips into the 40's by the time we get to Old FAithful where we have some ice cream and a break visiting with my artist friend, Jim Reed who is the artist in residence at the Old Faithful Inn. If you make it to the Inn, be sure and stop by and tell Jim Hi. He is an incredible Gouache Watercolor artist.
We eventually make our way out of the park taking a side trip up the Grassy lake road at the south entrance hoping to see a Moose that usually frequents the area or one more Grizzly. The weather is now a steady drizzle and is mixed with snow at 37 degrees. This is Polecat Creek near the south entrance. A favorite area of ours.
Those are beautiful photos, what inspiration!